


【基本释义】 Okapi Wildlife Reserve1996(N iv) 俄卡皮野生动物保护区 The Okapi Wildlife Reserve occupies about one-fifth of the Ituri forest in the north-east of Zaire. The Zaire river basin, of which the reserve and forest are a part, is one of the largest drainage systems in Africa. The reserve contains threatened species of primates and birds and about 5,000 of the estimated 30,000 okapi surviving in the wild. It also has some dramatic scenery, including waterfalls on the Ituri and Epulu rivers. The reserve is inhabited by traditional nomadic pygmy Mbuti and Efe hunters. 俄卡皮野生动物保护区占据了位于刚果共和国东北部的伊图里森林五分之一的面积。保护区及其森林属扎伊尔河流域的一部分,这个流域是非洲最大的排水区域之一。保护区内生存着许多濒危的灵长目类和鸟类动物。估测的全球幸存的三万头野生俄卡皮鹿中的五千头栖息在这个保护区。区内也有其他壮丽景观,包括伊图里河和埃普卢河上的瀑布。而它别具特色的人文价值,则在于这里居住着传统的矮人游牧民族穆布提族和埃费族的猎手们。

【详细解释】 -

【分字组词】 俄组词 保组词 动组词 区组词 卡组词 护组词 物组词 生组词 皮组词 野组词



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